*cough cough* Is this thing on *taps mic*

Soooooo, long time no post? Honestly, I don’t know where time goes. It’s like it all gets sucked into some weird vortex called OH YEAH REAL LIFE.

So I’m still here! and still writing! But as you may have noticed, I’m woefully behind on book 6! If I followed my normal timeline, book six should have been out in June 2018. Well. that didn’t happen. I had renovations and a job change and just…. it didn’t happen.

I’m aiming for June 2019, but may fall a little behind that schedule too. I’m about 45000 into book 6 and I think I’m about a third done. I think. lol. So it’s going to be longer than I originally projected (90000).

But I wanted to drop a quick line and say I’m still here! and still working on it!


6 comments on “Book 6 – update

  1. Sam

    Yay!! I’m so glad you’re back and there’s going to be another book. And that you’re okay! 😀
    Hope the new job is going well and life’s crazy vortex hasn’t drained you too much lol.

  2. Jen

    Can’t wait! I have REALLY enjoyed the whole Covencraft series so far. Thank you!

  3. Daye

    Woooo! Thanks for all your hard work. Constantly rereading Covencraft. It’s my go to comfort series

  4. Kim Tetrault

    I’ve re-read the series about 4 times now!!! I absolutely love them. I really, truly hope you are inspired to keep going with this series. I’m dying to know what happened with Jade and Paris as children and why his mother chose her path.

  5. Keli

    Are there any updates on finishing the series?

    1. margaritagakis Post author

      Thank you so much for commenting! I am still working on it – I am going to be putting up a blog post about this soon but the quick details are – I’m plunking away. I’m not fast and was derailed for a long time, but I am working on it.

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