Monthly Archives: November 2013

Status update – Covencraft

Yo. Wassup.

So for most of November I’ve been pretty consistent writing everyday! I’m happy to say that Covencraft book #2 [Counter-Hex] is now at 66000 words! and Sooper Sekrit project is at 8600! So far in November, I’ve written about 19000 words! Now, it’s not a NanoWriMo by any stretch [nanos clock in at min 50000] but I’m still proud – my goal was consistent production and working out the plot kinks I had. And I’ve manged that!

Word Meter

So now, Counter Hex is in the final third – I’m knocking down all the dominoes I’ve [hopefully!] set up. I’ve only noted one or two things I have to go back and tweak. I really try to write in a linear fashion and to write as completely as possible. My first draft should be very close to my final draft if I’ve done all my pre-work well. So I’m projecting 90000 for a final word count, but in reality, it will likely be more around 85000? I think? I know what needs to happen, I just gotta get it down!


No really, I’m still alive

Internetz, it’s been a while.


I was crazy busy at my day job in September and getting ready for a vacation to see some really good friends by the end of the month. I somehow foolishly thought I just wouldn’t be as busy when I got back from vaycay?

Newsflash – I was. OMG, I WAS A MACHINE. I am legit so productive lately, I amaze myself.

Of course, this means I generally come home at nights and then veg out, staring blankly at my computer trying to write. It’s been slow going.

But! Progress is made! I’m at about 56000 words on Book 2 of Covencraft, and I’ve finally got the pieces all where I want them and now I just hopefully have to knock them all down!

I’m also working SOOPER SEKRIT project. I would tell you more but it’s SOOPER SEKRIT. But it’s fun!

And of course, my fanfiction!  I’m feeling very inspired lately and just have a lot of good vibes and feels all around so I’m trying hard to capitalize on it and get writing.

I’m not ‘officially’ doing NaNoWriMo but some of my friends and I have made an online group and we’re supporting each other there through the month of November. We have ART! We have CRAFTS! We have WRITING! it’s a fun group and I’m lucky to have such a great group of people to rely on!

Okay! That’s it for now! I’m off for a few days and maybe I’ll have some pics when I’m back!

PS – the Drop in Center in Calgary is having a shortage of winter clothing. If you read this and you live in Calgary, please take a look around your house to see if you have anything to spare.
