Well, in December, I had to end my last bootcamp a week early, due to a business trip to San Francisco. and then my bootcamp instructor, the Awesome Michelle, went to go climb a mountain. No really. She’s that fit. And so I was going to STAY FIT on my own. and sign up for bootcamp the first chance I had in January.

Only then I didn’t. And I’ve been on a non stop feeding frenzy since Christmas. Like a “It’s the end of the world as we know it” frenzy. It’s been croissants for breakfast and cookies for lunch and cupcakes for dessert.

And I’m not one of those people who get physically sick from eating bad. Just emotionally sick. as in, WTF am I DOING?? WHY am I doing this? Don’t I have any self control? Oh, is that a left over croissant there, hang on…..

So, I signed up for Bootcamp again and tomorrow is day one. I’m only going twice a week this time, because it’s FRAKING FEBRUARY and cold, but I AM going.

Jessi and I have already signed up for a 5k in March, and I’m going to run it. So, it’s back to Bootcamp for me!

Posted in: Bootcamp.
Last Modified: February 17, 2009

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