Spring has Sprung
Forget the Farmer’s almanac. Pay no attention to the ground hog. Don’t listen to the meteorologist. The best indication that spring is finally here has officially happened!

Portia has started ‘blowing’ her coat.
That’s what it’s called when a dog starts losing thier winter undercoat due to warmer weather. Last night, Portia and I sat down for her groomies (which she LOVES!!) and instead of the usual ten minutes, it took me almost thirty! I kept getting more and more hair – the thick, dense white fluffy hair underneath her multicolored fur. I came away with enough to build a whole other Portia!
Rocky has no coat to blow since Jenge got him trimmed short for summer when we came back from Mexico. That’s his new haircut to the left. Doesn’t he look sharp?

2 comments on “

  1. jennie

    Best advice I can give for spring grooming puppies with heavy winter coats; get a shedding blade that is normally used for grooming horses. It’s painless and takes tons of hair out in one sweep. Bhodi can fill up two Safeway bags with his excess fur right now but it’s better than having it all over my house.

  2. Heidi Schempp Fournier

    Good god, poor Rockie! Look at what his Mommy has done to him. No wonder he needs his woobie so much!

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