You guys! I am THISCLOSE to finishing primary writing on book 5. My first draft is usually pretty close to my end draft [which is good or bad – take your pick!]. I’m just about to start chapter 17 [as it is numbered right now] and I think I need about 5000 more words to wrap it up. Then we’ll see what gets added/deleted during edits.

As I posted earlier, I have clinical depression and I just changed meds. Me finishing this book couldn’t have happened without it. Or rather, I could have done it, but a June release? Dude. IDK. I was working all of January and February to be on time and I’m a little behind, but I’ll make it! But if I hadn’t felt better? I would have still been back at 250 words a day, which is how I wrote book 4. Like, it can be done. But it sucks. Writing a book like that feels like chiseling out of marble with a teeny-tiny chisel. You can do it. Your exhausted and defeated most of the time, but it can be done.

But! I’m AM feeling good, and writing faster so that didn’t happen!

I’m happy with where the book has gone, emotionally and action-wise. It’s always a nailbiter to see if other people like it, but at least if they don’t, I know that I like it. [and if you don’t like it, I hope you tell me GENTLY why so I can review and learn! But if you post a review, you should know I make my sisters read them for me, lol. See my page on reviewing for why]

I will be in contact with the cover artist shortly and hope to post that as soon as it’s ready! I’m EXCITED. I don’t have the back blurb written yet, but will post as soon as I do. This book, generally, is a straight continuation of book 4, Dry Spells. Jade is continuing to deal with Lily being her own person, her feelings about her past, and her feelings for Paris. And then while she’s working on that, a Forest Fire happens! DUN DUN DUN.  Stay tuned!





2 comments on “Uncontrollable Burn [Covencraft # 5] – status update!

  1. Samantha

    I am so glad to hear you’re kicking depression’s butt. You are such an inspiration to me. I know I’m not a frequent commenter, but I read all of your posts. I just want you to know they really make my day and I am always rooting for you.

    Please excuse me while I fangirl for an hour. 😀 I’m so ready for Uncontrollable Burn!! Dry Spells was amazing (Oh Seth how I adore you) and I cannot wait to read more of Jade’s story. Covencraft is my very favorite series. Your characters feel like family (I hope that doesn’t weird you out, I just mean that they’re very well-written and I find comfort in them). I am still gunning for Jade and Paris to be a thing.~ And Lily! Oh my god. Lily is amazing. Woo. I think I got it all out (for now).

    Anyway, hope your week continues to go well. <3

    1. margaritagakis Post author

      Thank you so much! It really means a lot to me that you commented! I’m so happy you like my work!
      And you may get a bit of what you wish for with Jade and Paris in book 5 ;). I’m rooting for them too, although they are taking a lot longer to get where I want them to go than I originally thought! I’m so pleased that they feel ‘real’ to you – they feel very real to me and it makes me feel ‘safer’ putting them out there knowing that people care for them as much as I do :D.

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