Shout out to Heidi
Heidi is my tech guru. Heidi always knows what’s up and coming. She got me blogging. She got me signed up on twitter. Heidi has her finger on the pulse of the world. She also got me hooked on Torchwood, insisting that I must watch it even when I pishawed her the first time. She was right. I love it. She’s the only person that I can discuss old movies with and also lives close enough to Vulcan that I can email her a week before the Star Trek convention and ask if she’ll go with me. She helped me decide between a mug that would change when hot liquid was added [to showcase the original Star Trek three – Bones, Kirk and Spock – transporting out] and a com badge. And Ashleigh totally loved the com badge. So Heidi was right.

So shout out to Heidi!


One comment on “

  1. Heidi Schempp Fournier

    Awww, so nice to read this. And all that groovy stuff, right back at you!

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